This is why celebrity Survivor is a bad idea.

Episode 3 Photo Gallery

Matt vs. Fran

Inagural Duel

Inagural Duel

Fran had a Big Lead

Fran had a Big Lead
Everyone thought it was over... But

It Came Down to the Last Key

It Came Down to the Last Key
And Fran came up short

When Out Of No Where

When Out Of No Where
Matt came back to win Redemption

Matt Wins the Duel

Matt Wins the Duel

Fran is First Out

Fran is First Out

Zapatara Six Solidarity

Zapatara Six Solidarity
They agree to throw the challenge

Try as she might

Try as she might
Stephanie's effort is in vain as her tribe loses on purpose

Ometepe Wins Reward

Ometepe Wins Reward

And Immunity

And Immunity

We Need a Fourth

We Need a Fourth
Russell and his girl's strategize

Russell Reaches Out

Russell Reaches Out
But Julie Doesn't Buy it and Sends Him to Redemption

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

Survivor Theme by Russ Landau

Who will find the idol?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Commentary 11

We open with the tribe returning from tribal council. An impressed Candice says to her opponents, "That was a good one guy, really it was. And Jerri a recipient of Parv's idol has to agree, that it was indeed an excellent move. But not all are pleased with the proceedings at tribal. Russell asks Sandra if she knew Parv had an idol. (If you're having to ask Sandra then you really are out of the loop.) She says "No, and I didn't know she had two of them neither." Russell tells Sandra that he didn't know either and all she can say in response is "Daaamn." Russell then angrily mumbles, "So they got secrets now, what the hells up with that?"

Cut to see Russell now interogating Parv, "When did you find the second idol? And she comes clean, telling him she found it at the Outback challenge. He then wonders, and rightfully so, why she didn't tell him when he "saved (her) ass." Parv brushes off Russell's hostility saying, she wanted to keep it a surprise. But a heated Russell having no part of it says, "It's not a surprise. You lied to me." Parvi is on too much of a high to let Russell blow her buzz, and says she didn't lie. But Russ says by not telling him she lied, and complains that Danielle knew, adding, "Well you surely took the one I gave you, to save you. The girls encourage Russell to just "Chill out," but he will not "Hell no! Well it is what it is." (There are few things more dangerous than a Russell scorned. Is Parvati one of the few?) The scene ends with a giddy Parv, telling the camera that she got the desired response from Russell she'd hoped for.

We then get a quick scene of Amanda and Rupert saying they need to get Sandra on their side. Rupert says to production that Sandra is the heroes only hope.

Cue the conch.

There were no opening credits this week.

I guess this episode was too good to cut.

Day 28

Early morning on Yin Yang beach and Candice is still congratulating Russell on Parv's good move. She's got stars in her eyes as did Jerri when Tyson was booted. These so called all-stars continue to be amazed by the relative rookie Russell. Given her history as the mutinier from Cook Islands Candice is leaving little doubt early on this episode as to what she intends to do, i.e. jump ship.

Russell gives her a good sell, he knows he needs her since he knows Sandra is a filght risk, having a heroe in pocket would effectively nullify any attempt on his Survivor life by Sandra.

Reward Challenge

Many seasons have featured this challenge in the past: Fiji, Micronesia, etc.

Shuffle board (Boring.)

The survivors are randomly divided into three teams of three.

Team 1: Candice, Parv, and Jerri

Team 2: Rupert, Russell, and Sandra

Team 3: Amanda, Danielle, and Colby (The eventual winners)

Jeff tells everyone they are playing for a trip to Robert Louis Stevenson muesem where they will be fed and watch Tresure Island on (was that a VCR?)

Not much to comment on here other than Colby winning reward for his team on the last attempt.


When the threesome of DD, Amanda, and Colby arrive at their reward, Amanda, knowing her life hangs in the balance is in total game mode. Her eyes scan the tiny room where they share a bed and a bowl of popcorn. Wouldn't you know DD finds the clue in said bowl and not so discreetly places it on the floor beneath the bed. Amanda notices and asks what she's hiding under the bed and then goes and sits on the floor next to Danielle and only inches from the clue. Amanda sees DD go for the clue but grabs it first and Double D proceeds to throw a fit. In five year old fashion she says, "Gimme, that's mine, gimme. Colby tell her to gimme." and the cats continue fighting until an annoyed looking Colby leans on an elbow to pause the movie, (who knew Colby was such a Louis Stevenson fan?) he then does the unthinkable and sides with the enemy Danielle over his ally Amanda. "It's your clue Danielle." And Amanda hands it over as if the directive came straight from the mouth of Probst or Mark Burnett. Incidentally Jeff Probst on his blog said that Amanda should not have given up the clue, he blamed her inability to stand up for herself as the cause of her giving the idol up, as well as her catastrophic final tribal in China where she placed third behind Todd and Courtney. (A final comment of the clue fiasco: You would have had to pry that clue out of my cold dead hands, but at the very least I would have made a deal for everyone to read it, never, ever, would I have let DD punk me like that.)

Day 29

The menage a trois of Colby, DD, and Amanda return from their reward and Double D quickly tells her alliance that she found the clue. (She exagerated a bit claiming she ripped it from Amanda's hands.) The villainous alliance then goes idol hunting and wouldn't you know, Russell discovers it first. He discreetly stashes it in his pocket opting not to tell anyone about it, seems he can keep secrets too. (It must have been killing him not to brag about his umpteenth idol discovery, but I knew the second he decided not to share this information that he would play it at the nights tribal council. He just can't help but be a braggart.) It was funny to see DD spend alot of time searching in the rain for an idol Russell already found.

Russell continues to work on Candice, even going so far as to tell her that he has the idol and promise her a spot in the final three. She's not sure if she trusts him but like Jerri a few epys past she is clearly impressed by him.

Day 30

We see Sandra and Colby on a walk, she tells him the situation and offers to join with the heroes to oust either Danielle, Parv, or Russell.

Cut now to Russell and Sandra on the beach, where Russell asks if she's been approached by the heroes. She of course denies any conversation that took place. (I loved the scene where Sandra and Russell were talking over each other, clearly neither cares what the other has to say.) Russell then informs her that one of the heroes has flipped saying that even if Sandra was to switch sides it wouldn't matter. Another funny moment follows when Russ tells Sandra he trusts her, to this Sandra can only laugh.

Immunity Challenge
The challenge is to build a house of cards ten feet high. The contest was between Jerri and Russell, no one else was even close. In the end Russell ran out of cards due to the fact that he built his foundation too strong. This miscalculation earns Jerri her first individual immunity in three seasons. (Pathetic, even Courtney won an individual immunity in her first season.)

The heroes plus Sandra sit in the shelter and decide to vote for Russell. Seconds later Candice runs to Russell to rat out her tribe. (Snitches get stiches.) She also snitches on Sandra telling Russ and Parv that she was "Cool with it" i.e. getting rid of Russell.

He then heads off down the beach to confront Sandra, only to be chased after by the rat-bastard Candice who wants to cover her @$$. Sandra plays it cool with Russell saying she is going to vote for Amanda as planned. And Russell informs her that an idol will be played tonight. And sassy Sandra says, "I'm not scared."

Sandra then goes to tell Rupert that Candice has ruined their plans. The heroes don't want to believe it tho' mostly because Candice is still lying to them, swearing she's on their side. (She's lying like a rug.) Since Candice comprimised the plan they change it up, now they agree to vote out Parvati, feering DD may give Russell the idol they assume she has. (Again with the assumptions.)

Sandra finally corners Candice and tries to convince her to stay true. After failing to persuade her she pleads with her to just tell her who she is going to vote for, as to not hang her out to dry. (I loved when Russell tried to walk up on them only to be run of by Sandra. "Daaamn can I have a minute without someone in my face." Russell did as he was told a scampered off, while Danielle just stood there and crossed her arm. Her stance coupled with her unwaxed upper lip gave the appearance of a night club bouncer in a back alley somewhere. Colby scored a Gillette commercial after Australlia, maybe they could use a new spokesman, er, woman.) We close the seen with snitch-b!+ch Candice telling Sandra to vote for Amanda. (She is the biggest liar in the game. Even after she got voted out (next epy) in Ponderosa she continues to lie telling Amanda and all those present that it was all Sandra's idea. Why she feels the need to continue to lie is beyond me. On second thought no it's not, the reason she is still lying is because she's a coward.)

Tribal Council

The Doe Eyed Deer in the Headlights Finally Gets Runover

After the arrival of the hottest rock band in Survivor history, "The Dragonz" Jeff gets right to it, asking Rupert which of the villains he thinks would be most likely to flip. (Notice Jeff asked which villain, he wouldn't dream of a hero trading a fourth spot for sixth place. That would be illogical right? Well stay tuned.) Rupert, who has really stepped his game up these past few episodes, protects his potential ally Sandra by saying that he didn't think any of the villains would flip because they'd still be fifth. And Sandra agrees saying to Jeff the best bet would be to stay put. She does however admit that she has been approached because she's on the outside of her group and the heroes sense that.

Probst asks Amanda, "How do you convince someone like Sandra to flip?" To which she replies, "You offer her a better deal." And Danielle chimes in, "How do you know what she has now isn't the best deal?" (Uh, because she just said she was on the outs. Duh.) Russell then says Sandra may have the best deal adding, "She's weak in the challenges, she's easy to beat for the vote, sounds like someone I wanna take with me to the jury." (I'm starting to wonder if Russell is even aware that Sandra won a unanimous vote from the jury. Hey Russ, it's called a dvd player, getcha one insert Pearl Islands then watch and learn how this game is supposed to be played.) Russell then goes on to describe the different styles of play on the villains side: he and DD are the aggressive ones, Jerri is the calm one (who would of thought neurotic Jerri the calm one, but it's true.) and Parv is the charmer. "But what about me? You forgot me." says Sandra. To which Russell responds, "Sandra's just there with us." (Dumb da dum dum dumb, He better take her to the end cuz she will never give him a vote for the million.)

The Vote

I think the Dragonz in typical Rock Star fashion are boozing a bit before tribal, Courtney in particular. Jeff as is custom says, "I'll go tally the votes." and a seemingly liquored up Courtney gives him a thumbs up while saying, "You do that." Russell then plays his idol, getting great joy out of suprising Parv with one of his own though she is none to pleased.

When the votes are read and Parv receives two to tie with Amanda, Russell thinks he made a mistake, and we get our second "Dammit" in a row at tribal. But don't worry Russell your queen is safe, Sandra stayed loyal, (not like she had a choice) and Candice the snitch-b!+ch fliped, sending Amanda to Ponderosa. Parvati gives Russell a big ol' eye roll and scolds her boy toy saying, "You wasted one." Finally after three seasons Probst got to snuff Amanda's torch. She's been the dumb doe eyed deer in the headlights for long enough I'm glad those headlight finally plowed over her. Good rid.

Next Time on Survivor

Will Rupert and Danielle share beard and stash grooming tips?

Who will Russell threaten next?

Will Amanda be relegated to Dragonz groupie?

Will Candice get her due stiches?

&, will Colby remain in a figuratively vegetative comatose state?

Find out next time. Until then may your torch forever burn bright.

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