This is why celebrity Survivor is a bad idea.

Episode 3 Photo Gallery

Matt vs. Fran

Inagural Duel

Inagural Duel

Fran had a Big Lead

Fran had a Big Lead
Everyone thought it was over... But

It Came Down to the Last Key

It Came Down to the Last Key
And Fran came up short

When Out Of No Where

When Out Of No Where
Matt came back to win Redemption

Matt Wins the Duel

Matt Wins the Duel

Fran is First Out

Fran is First Out

Zapatara Six Solidarity

Zapatara Six Solidarity
They agree to throw the challenge

Try as she might

Try as she might
Stephanie's effort is in vain as her tribe loses on purpose

Ometepe Wins Reward

Ometepe Wins Reward

And Immunity

And Immunity

We Need a Fourth

We Need a Fourth
Russell and his girl's strategize

Russell Reaches Out

Russell Reaches Out
But Julie Doesn't Buy it and Sends Him to Redemption

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

Survivor Theme by Russ Landau

Who will find the idol?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Rash Decision?

Survivor history was made when the Zapatara tribe sent Russell to Redemption island, marking the first time in three seasons that his torch was snuffed. He was the rash in the armpit of his tribe and the ointment was one thrown immunity challenge taken with six votes at tribal. Russell drones the world over are in disbelief. They still maintain he'll be back, as he said. Along with Stephanie, they maintain this allegence to Russell. Now while Stephanie's prediction on one hand was totally accurate, literally a storm is coming. (It's Nicaragua, just ask Purple Kelly, err, Yeller Kelly, if it rains alot.) On the other hand, a storm coming, may be a bit of an over statement. Unless it's a brainSTORM because that's what she and uh...??? what's the blonde... Krista??? that's what they need to be doing is brainstorming on ways to adapt; something their fallen leader, Russell, was unable to do, at all, in three appearances. As Boston Rob once said, "This game is based on Charles Darwin's premise, the survival of the fittest. The species that is most able to adapt, will survive." Russell has proven that he is unable to adapt, and his tribe is better off without him.

Now, the question is, will they regret throwing the challenge? Answer, Yes surely, but this is inevitable, the first time they do lose, or have to vote someone out, they will look back and say, if only we'd have kept Russell we would all be safe now. But truly, he was so chaffing, so much of a distraction , and with not so hidden immunity idols, and his track record, just get rid of him, I agree with what they did, moreso for bias than good strategy. But don't cheer just yet Russell haters, or weep without cease ye drones, for Russell, in this bloggers opinion is going to rule redemption island for sometime to come.

Napolean Complex in Exile


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