This is why celebrity Survivor is a bad idea.

Episode 3 Photo Gallery

Matt vs. Fran

Inagural Duel

Inagural Duel

Fran had a Big Lead

Fran had a Big Lead
Everyone thought it was over... But

It Came Down to the Last Key

It Came Down to the Last Key
And Fran came up short

When Out Of No Where

When Out Of No Where
Matt came back to win Redemption

Matt Wins the Duel

Matt Wins the Duel

Fran is First Out

Fran is First Out

Zapatara Six Solidarity

Zapatara Six Solidarity
They agree to throw the challenge

Try as she might

Try as she might
Stephanie's effort is in vain as her tribe loses on purpose

Ometepe Wins Reward

Ometepe Wins Reward

And Immunity

And Immunity

We Need a Fourth

We Need a Fourth
Russell and his girl's strategize

Russell Reaches Out

Russell Reaches Out
But Julie Doesn't Buy it and Sends Him to Redemption

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

A Fuming Russell Promises He'll Be Back

Survivor Theme by Russ Landau

Who will find the idol?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mark of the Least (Cracking the Coach Code)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding, count the number(s) of the "Least*": for it is the number of a man, and his number(s) is (are), 4, 18, 1, 7, 15, 14, 19, 12, 1, 25, 5, 18. (parody of Rev. 13:18)

I know what you're thinking, but I haven't posted this on the wrong blog. I have however enumerated the numbers of the "Least.*" We have all seen the cryptic numeric system employed by Coach on the parchments at tribal council. Ever since Randy was voted out, and Coach wrote the number four next to his name, the world has wondered (okay maybe not the world, but some certainly): what does this mean?
Then came the Tyson vote where the number changed to eighteen, and alas when Courtney recieved the throw away vote containing the number 1, it hit me, one need not be an expert in gematria to see that Coach's esoteric system is simply a code wherein the letters of the alphabet are given numerical values. Take the three numbers we've seen thus far: 4, 18, and 1, the fourth letter of the alphabet is D, the eighteenth is R, and the first is obviously A. The astute already know where I'm headed, the number of the Least is the number of a man, the Least calls himself the D=4 R=18 A=1 G=7 O=15 N=14 S=19 L=12 A=1 Y=25 E=5 R=18, and that is what he's been enumerating, his self proclaimed title. If this theory is correct and I'm certain it is, then at the next villain's vote Coach should write down the number seven (G). I don't see him lasting long enough to finish the spelling, but who knows, what is certain however is, the Coach code has been deciphered, and Randy is full of it for telling the fans that it was, "huge." Anyway mystery solved, If anyone besides me was curious. I hope you enjoy tonight's show. will the tribes merge? Will they bring back the Outcast tribe? (I seriously doubt it.) Will the tribes get mixed up? Will Courtney be blown from the island by a gust of wind? Only one way to find out, watch tonight's episode, and until next time, the tribe has spoken.

You query:
Why the "Least?"
Simply that it rhyms with "Beast."
And that he is the "Least" likely to win the game.
The "Least" likely to tell a campfire story that's true.
And the "Least" honorable player this season. (If only that were true.)

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